Melissa Sánchez Herrera y yo estamos organizando un simposio de la Sección Sys-EB para el EntSoc 2019 reunión en St. Louis, MO.
El simposio se titula:
Errores en tecnicolor: cómo la investigación del color aboga por la entomologÃa
El reflejo y la emisión de luz de las superficies de los insectos ha fascinado e inspirado a los entomólogos y al público en general durante siglos. El objetivo de nuestro simposio es proporcionar un entorno en el que debatir la investigación del color y su uso en iniciativas de divulgación pública que tienen como objetivo inspirar la curiosidad de los insectos y defender la entomologÃa. Tenemos charlas que serán impartidas por entomólogos de diferentes continentes / paÃses que trabajan en proyectos diversos e ingeniosos que incorporan componentes de coloración de insectos que incluyen producción, estructuras, percepción y selección.
Además de estas charlas, tenemos la intención de tener un exhibición electrónica de imágenes, ilustraciones y videos que cumplan con estos criterios y, por lo tanto, estamos buscando presentaciones para este esfuerzo.
Si está interesado en incluir una imagen, complete el formulario a continuación y cargue su imagen / video.
Doctor of Philosophy - Entomology
Summer 2016 (Expected)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, NJ
Dissertation: Physiological Color Change in Response to Mating-Associated Behaviors in Mature Argia apicalis Males Operating as Camouflage During Copulation and Oviposition (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
PhD Committee: Michael May, PhD (advisor & chair), Jessica Ware, PhD, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, PhD, John Abbott, PhD
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ
PhD Research Fall 2010 – present
Designed and constructed a large in situ netted enclosure in order to study the mating behavior of Argia apicalis in a natural environment
Performed a photographic mark-recapture survey to determine the frequency of mating-associated physiological color change exhibited by male Argia apicalis
Tested camouflage efficacy via the creation of a mechanical binary choice device that mimicked natural damselfly movements
James Cook University Townsville, Qld, Australia
Independent Study Spring 2006
Determined the species distribution and population size of lynx spiders (Oxyopidae)
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography Kingston, RI
Undergraduate Senior Project Spring 2004
Performed habitat and risk assessments to aid the Northern Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) conservation efforts in Rhode Island, by analyzing current environmental, scavenger and human risk factors, and cross referencing them against Rhode Island USGS reports to determine ideal nesting locations
Wrote a report on the feasibility of introducing a new breeding population into RI’s Narrow River, and presented it at the 2004 Annual Rhode Island Natural History Survey Conference
Laboratory Technician Fall 2003 – Spring 2004
Identified genera, sex, and instar of Atlantic zooplankton (mainly Copepoda) as part of a multi-year effort to determine the abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton on Georges Bank
Participated in a two week URI GSO/NOAA specimen collection trip on Georges Bank during January 2004 in extremely cold and rough open water conditions
James Cook University Townsville, Qld, Australia
Independent Study ​ ​ Spring 2002
Observed and recorded aggressive and territorial behavioral patterns exhibited by green tree weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina
Generated an ethogram for aggressive behaviors in order to analyze interactions between, and within, the colony
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ
Biological Research Laboratory ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Spring 2014 – Fall 2015
Fostered a supportive, discussion-based environment that encouraged students to openly participate, ask, and answer questions without concern for judgement
Aided students’ in learning the basics of hypothesis-based science by using real-life examples and situations as metaphors with which they could relate
Created diagrams, images, and charts that helped students to understand concepts and not simply memorize answers
Working in small groups, trained students to perform, fully comprehend, and understand the importance of several molecular biology techniques, including DNA isolation and purification, polymerase chain reactions, gel electrophoresis, and DNA sequence analysis
Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
Generated laboratory lessons, exercises, and hand-on activities that encouraged small group learning, and provided students with the opportunity to ask and answer their own questions and teach one another
Used videos, diagrams, models, and interactive discussion to engage students and help them to identify and understand the functions and interactions associated with the different parts of the human body
Utilized dissection of different organisms, along with hand-drawn, color-coded coloring pages and diagrams, to teach comparative anatomy and illustrate differences between human and other organismal anatomy
Created handouts, online learning resources, quizzes, and practical exams that required students to integrate knowledge from different parts of the course
General Biology I and II Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
Used hands-on, in-class activities to teach students basic cellular biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and taxonomy
University of New England Portland, ME
Introductory Anatomy and Physiology Fall 2009
Prepared and taught a detailed curriculum using a mix of hands-on group activities, coupled with thought-provoking homework assignments, and comprehensive exams.
University of New England, College of Health Professions Portland, ME
Staff Assistant March 2007 – March 2010
Generated and maintained numerous Access databases on faculty salaries, contracts, and tenure appointment status and schedules
Coordinated laboratory space and access for all faculty and students
Monitored and maintained laboratory equipment inventories
Katahdin Analytical Scarborough, ME
Analytical Chemist October 2006 – March 2007
Tested soil and water samples to determine the absence/presence of specific chemicals, ions, and other organic compounds
Validated data and generated reports on a routine basis
Verified the accuracy of the laboratory operating procedures
Whispell, A.M., May, M.L. and Bauman, M. (in preparation). Physiological Color Change in Response to Mating-Associated Behaviors in Mature Argia apicalis Males (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).
Whispell, A.M., May, M.L. and Schultz, T.D. (in preparation). Mating-Associated Physiological Color Change Acts as Camouflage for Argia apicalis Males (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).
Whispell, A.M. November 2015. Physiological Color Change in Response to Mating-Associated Behaviours in Mature Argia apicalis Males (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Oral presentation. International Congress of Odonatology semiannual meeting, La Plata, Argentina.
Whispell, A.M. June 2015. Mating-Associated Physiological Color Change in Argia apicalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Oral presentation. Dragonfly Society of the Americas annual meeting, State College PA.
Whispell, A.M. November 2014. Copulation-Associated Color Change in Argia apicalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Oral presentation. Entomological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting, Portland, OR
Whispell, A.M. 2004. Foundation of a New Breeding Population of Diamondback Terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin terrapin on the Narrow River, in Nararagansett, Rhode Island. Oral presentation. Annual Rhode Island Natural History Survey Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
November 2014. TMP’s, SysEB Section: Behavior and Life History. Entomological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting, Portland, OR.
Rutgers University, Department of Entomology Headlee Graduate Research Fellowship Spring 2016
Graduate Entomology Student Association Travel Award Fall 2015
Rutgers University Teaching Assistant and Graduate Assistant Professional Development Fund Award Summer 2015
Rutgers University Graduate School Travel Award Fall 2014 and Summer 2015
Entomological Society of America (EntSoc) - Member
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity (SysEB) Section Representative on the EntSoc Student Affairs Committee
SysEB Representative judge for the EntSoc STEP Teaching Award - Member
Dragonfly Society of the Americas - Member
Word Dragonfly Association - Member
Open water diving certification
Talented biological illustrator, (macro-) photographer, and graphic designer
Specific training and expertise with Hummer X Sputtering System and Hitachi S510 Scanning Electron Microscope